Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Top 3 Relationship Rules

Everyone has their own ideas about what it takes to make a relationship work. However, there are certain relationship rules to which just about everyone can agree. These include the importance of personal responsibility, that all relationships require work, and that nothing can work without clear, concise communication. Because of their almost universal acceptance, these three things are the top three among relationship rules.

You Are Responsible

That's right, you personally are responsible for your relationship. Of course, your partner bears responsibility for his or her part in the relationship, but you can not change someone else. If you want things to work, you absolutely must acknowledge what you can do to make or break the relationship, and then you must take action to do so.

This unfortunately does not guarantee success, but it really is the only opportunity you have. Additionally, when you try to pass off responsibility to your partner, you are only creating additional friction. Take a good, honest look at yourself, and figure out what improvements you can make in order to improve your relationship.

Love Is A Verb

It is difficult to define or describe love without bringing the emotional aspect into the mix. However, it is important to remember that our emotions are greatly affected by our actions, and in a relationship, love must first be considered to be a verb.

What this means for creating a strong, healthy relationship is that you must care for the other person. You must be willing, and even happy, to meet your partners needs. Early on in a relationship, both partners are usually working very hard to meet small needs. Each of you listens to the other respectfully. You both go out of your way to show your love.

As a relationship matures, the enthusiasm dies down and it becomes more difficult to maintain your loving actions at the level at which you begin. Well, you don't need to keep it up to that level, but you do need to keep it up somewhat. Every day you should show your love in some way, and occasionally you should step it back up to the original level. This takes some effort, but it definitely pays off in the strength of the relationship you build.

Communication Is Key

To communicate effectively, you must do so honestly, listen actively, and endeavor to understand the other person first. If you can do these things, you are well on your way to a strong relationship.

Most people realize that women and men communicate differently. However, few people realize just how different they really are. If you want to be able to communicate with your partner effectively, you will need to learn and understand his or her language. Once you do that, you can begin to really understand what is being said, and how that impacts your relationship.


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