Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Be Happy and Committed

What the heck is compatibility anyway? For all intents and purposes it's that state of harmonious existing together, as a couple. Enjoying each other and helping each other get through the trenches of life.

Not to say that it will always be without upsets, nothing works smoothly 24/7. Ask yourself this: if we didn't spend as much time in the bedroom as we did when we first met, would we still want to be together? In a nut shell, treat your partner the way you want to be treated - with loving kindness and consideration.

Every waking moment, from dawn to dusk, we encounter each other - we wake up together, run into each other in the bathroom, meet in the closet, and discuss the day over coffee, tea, or juice before leaving the house.

As a couple, you are emotionally joined at the hip - how those encounters play out - in harmony or chaos, sets the tone of your day. If you smiled at each other, shared a hug and a kiss without it leading to sex ( because there wasn't enough time), made small talk or bantered with each other in the kitchen, maybe you made coffee and he poured you a juice, your day is off to a pretty good start.

You smile and wink, "be careful out there, you'll get attacked, you look yummy" tells your partner that they're sexy and desirable., setting the tone of the meeting when you return from your day out. Kindness and consideration - such a simple thing to want.

With happy encounters at home, you can take on the day and any problems that come your way. You have a loving and empathetic partner on your side.

Looking at how this scenario plays out in an abysmal situation looks something like this. You wake up with a headache, haven't had sex for about six days now, don't want to talk, so of course there won't be a hug or kiss, and you harp about how your partner needs to lose about 20 pounds and the hot water is gone. You can't find anything to wear. And out in the kitchen, last night's dishes are still on the table! Skip the coffee and juice.

There's no joy in this household at all. You're glad to leave the mess and aren't even looking forward to coming back to it later.

Well those two are going to have one hell of a day! Can you see how this lack of harmony will affect how they will interact with coworkers and others they meet throughout the day. Their stress level is overflowing, they are anxious and depressed. There are people living this bleak existence on every block of our city. These types of encounters are often harbingers of abusive relationships.

A rabbit hole here - about 6 million women and over 2 million men are being seriously assaulted by partners every year in our country. It makes me wonder why they stay trapped in these chaotic, unhappy relationships without love and consideration.

Take stock of your relationship often, realize that you have differences - your backgrounds aren't the same, your religious views may not be of the same ilk, and your families are totally diverse - are you both willing to have a harmonious relationship despite these differences - if the answer is a quantified "yes". You will likely be in a loving, considerate relationship 'til death do you part.

"Smile. Have you ever noticed how easily puppies make human friends? Yet all they do is wag their tails and fall over." Walter Anderson


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