Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can I Trust My Partner?

In the early stages of a relationship it can sometimes seem as if trust is not something that should be discussed, it is just there, you do not need to ask for it or work at it. However, as time goes on, and the honeymoon period ends, trust becomes ever more important if a relationship is to flourish. This article will be looking at ways of telling whether you can trust your partner, or whether it is a facet of your relationship that still needs work.

If you go to a large social event together, a marriage or an important birthday, are you happy to let your partner go off on his or her own all evening. If you are, then you have a healthy relationship. If you feel that you have to have them by your side every moment, then you probably have some trust and jealousy issues that need to be worked on.

Do you find yourself interfering with relationships, even same sex relationships, that pre-date yours? It should be possible to accept that your partner had a life before they met you and that it is not unreasonable for them to want to bring that life into the present. In short, do not try to destroy relationships that pre-date yours just because you are jealous of them.

Do you find that you are jealous of previous partners and that this is causing you not to trust your partner? Jealousy of previous relationships is a common cause of mistrust and can lead to relationship breakdown; this type of retrospective jealousy can be hard to resist.

It is important to remember that trust is something that has to be earned; it is not possible to trust someone on sight. Love at first sight may be possible, but trust at first sight is not. Trust has to be earned, and this takes time, patience and emotional investment from both parties.


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