Friday, April 29, 2011

The Trust Factor: How Can Faith and Reliance Lead to Abundant Living and True Wealth? Part 1

Trust is a precious treasure that has often been sought after from the mightiest of rulers and kings to the meekest of servants and subordinates. When it pertains to building trust in a relationship and abundant living, trust doesn't care about your ethnicity or race, your gender, educational and demographic will backgrounds, religion, or even the leadership activities you find yourself involved in.

Trust is NEUTRAL.

In the scope of historical events, people, and places, especially on today's Global Stage, trust is still the most sought after and needed treasure among the human race! More precious than gold and silver, once gained, trust is PRICELESS!

Trust is true wealth that keeps on giving back, time after time. Trust allows people to develop Positive Relationships needed to survive present adversities and challenges. It mends broken hearts and eliminates the need for turbulent wars. It develops community strength and raises individual awareness to new heights.

Individual awareness and trust in self is evident in areas like team builder activities, refereed as team building, and leadership development.

In the scope of gaining true wealth and leadership development, without trust, lives falter, relationships wither, and mighty nations fall. You know you have true wealth when you can make relational deposits and withdraw unconditional love with selfless motives.

Being a basic human need for survival, gaining trust or trusting someone is not an easy task. However, it is not difficult either if you understand the priority aspects surrounding this basic human need.

In this 3 Part series of articles, we will look at this basic human need as a two-sided coin: A Trust Coin.

If you desire true wealth, the wealth that sometimes defies logic, seems like a paradox, or even appears irrational, then discover the following 2 secrets to living an abundant, joy-filled life that is assures you will possess True Wealth!

"What are the two sides of the same coin," you may ask? FAITH and RELIANCE.

In the next few articles, you will discover that true wealth is having:

  • faith in people and

  • relying on their honest character

From a Christian perspective, having faith in God and relying on His divine character will bring anyone whom seeks...the ultimate in true wealth.


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