Friday, May 6, 2011

Reasons Why Men May Back Off in a Relationship

You find a guy that you like, you're having a great time together but for whatever reason he backs away from you. I have to admit that to me it doesn't make sense, if you are with someone who you love you just don't walk away, if you have problems you need to talk about them, or am I being a bit to radical. There are a number of reasons why men back off in a relationship, some are, if not acceptable they are understandable, the others are to put it politely, pathetic.

It could be the case that he does like you but the relationship is moving to fast for him, he might need to slow things down so that he can work out what he is feeling. Have you started hearing wedding bells before he has had a chance to work out what he feels about you? If you push for commitment to early on, then unless he's ready for the same thing then he's going to be heading for the hills. You cannot move your relationship to the next stage unless you are both ready for it, and you both want it to happen.

If they've been hurt before in relationships they might be very wary of being hurt again. If your guy has yet to work through his previous break up or is carrying baggage around from a string of failed relationships, then he is going to be scared of having the same thing happen again. So when he finds himself getting to close to you, panic could settle in and he starts to back off.

Have you made the mistake of trying to change him to much. Everyone has some habits that they could probably change. The problems begin when you try to change who he is. You might have some Hollywood inspired fantasy about your ideal guy and the relationship that you are going to have together. Don't do it. For your relationship to work you have to be happy with who you are and happy with who he is. Unless you have found someone beset with insecurity then they are not going to stay around while you try to smother their individuality. Another thing to remember is, if you change who he is he will no longer be the person that you fell in love with, will you still love him then.

Are you talking enough in your relationship. Men will back off in a relationship if they haven't got a relationship to stay for. Talking brings you together, it connects your lives together, and it makes life a whole lot more interesting. When you don't talk then you start to drift apart as there is nothing holding you together anymore. And if the connection is gone then he might forget about what drew you together in the first place. You need to take a look at your relationship to see if you just stopped communicating with each other.

The reason that he's decided to back off in your relationship could simply be that he lacks the courage to tell you that it's all over. Not every couple is compatible, and if this is the case then you are well rid of someone like that.

Some guys enjoy the thrill of the chase. They see someone who they like and then pursue until they have won you round. Maybe all they wanted you for was sex, and having had that they move on to their next conquest. There are also those who like to play mind games. They blow hot and cold, they like having you about but they have no interest in commitment. I'm sure that they will tell their loved ones some wonderful stories about the life that they will have together, but it's all lies. They are happy with this arrangement, sex and attention whenever they can be bothered.

There are some quite despicable reasons as to why men back off in a relationship, and you need to recognize when they are just playing with you. If you want a relationship that can work then you need someone who is genuinely interested in you, whose actions prove it. You cannot build a healthy relationship on inconsistent behaviour. Your relationship can only move forward if you both want it to, and if you are both committed to making it happen. If your guy cannot demonstrate his commitment by word and deed then you need to question if he is the right guy for you.


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