How can I keep a man in a relationship? The answer to this question is not as complicated as it might seem. Although there are many women out there struggling to stay in a relationship, keeping a man interested in a women is quite simple.
1. Get a life
No, this is not a joke. Men get easily bored of boring women. This is the most important piece of advice you can get. Think on how you can keep your life as interesting as possible. How is this possible? First of all, stay in touch with your friends; never ever sacrifice your friends for a relationship. Educate yourself. Read books, newspapers, or magazines. If you are unemployed, get out of your living room and get a job, any job will do. Try out a new hobby. Be as social as you can. Do not be afraid to meet new people.
2. Stop acting like his mother, he might get used to it
If you haven't already noticed, you're not in a relationship with your future son. Even though taking care of your man is a step in the right direction, don't overdue it. Men are boys in their own way, but I seriously doubt that there is a non psychotic man on earth that would want to have sex with his mother, so do not act like her. If you continue doing so, your relationship is most likely to end up like a Greek tragedy.
3. Appearance matters
After being with a partner for a while, many women often fail to take care of their appearance. There is no need to torture yourself to look like Kate Moss, but it is in your best interest to keep yourself in healthy physical shape. Men are visual creatures. Try wearing something sexy every now and then; you'll see the difference in his reactions.
4. Sex is not for free
What's on a man's mind? You guessed right, sex. But there is no fun in it if he doesn't earn it. A mans primal instincts drives him to hunt down his prey. This is what stimulates him the most. Don't serve yourself on a platter for him, let him hunt you down. Play the game; don't make it too easy on him.
5. The thin red line
Don't let anyone take you for granted. Never put up with bad behavior. The only way to earn his respect is to draw the thin red line between the things you can put up with and the things that will send him out the door. Show confidence in yourself. There is nothing more attractive to a man.
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