Who really wants their relationship to fail...anyone...that's right, no-one. If you find someone who you love, that you are comfortable with, and have great times with, why would you want to lose them? It's a fact of life that not all relationships work, some people are just not compatible with other, whilst others do not do what is needed to make the relationship work. Being in a relationship is a serious commitment of time, energy, and emotion, and unless you can make that commitment then you relationship is not going to survive. So, what things are needed for a relationship to survive?
The theory for a relationship to survive is very simple. You just both need to commit to creating the best possible relationship that you can. That's the theory, putting it into practice can be another thing entirely.
You have to understand that you are both two very different people. You have your own histories, your own life, wants and needs, hopes and dreams, and somehow the two of you have to come together, not to form a single entity, but to build a partnership based on love, friendship, co-operation, and mutual respect. You have to accept each other for who you are, and whilst there may be some habits that can be worked on (such as excavating your nostrils and consuming the contents in public), you cannot do anything to change your partner into something that they are not, if you do that then they are no longer the person that you fell in love with.
Opposites do attract and they also tend to break up. The type of relationship most likely to survive is one where you have some common interests, such as similar hobbies, beliefs, or maybe you went to the same school. What you want is something that can give you a bond even before the honeymoon period wears of. If you share something it brings you closer together, and gives you something to build on.
For a relationship to survive through the years you need to be able to stand the sight of each other, could you imaging spending the next 50 years with someone who you loathed. You've got to be each others best friend, the person that they can confide in and talk to, the person that you can got to for help and support, the one person who will always be with you and be there for you.
Can you talk to each other now, not just about everyday things but scary things like emotions and feelings? If you want you relationship to survive you have to be completely open and honest with each other, you have to share your lives which could make you feel vulnerable, but you will get back a lot in return. You have to excel not just in verbal communication but in non-verbal communication. Have you ever noticed that there are times when someone could say one thing, but their body language is saying something completely different. You body language will always reflect what you are thinking, study your partners body language so that you can respond when things aren't quite right.
If your partner wants to just talk or has a concern to raise, then give them the respect that they deserve and listen to what they have to say. Always remember that what might be unimportant to you could be very important to them.
You need to let your partner know just how much you love and appreciate them. Vague hints and expecting them to be able to read your mind is not good enough, you have to be able to show them through word and deed. Giving your spouse a hug and telling them that you love them might be a simple thing to do, but it means so very much. Doing simple things is usually best because they come straight from the heart. Call your partner, text or email. Leave notes or them to find. Generally do things that will make them happy. If you keep making each other happy and giving your love to each other, then your relationship will more than stand the test of time.
How you deal with issues can make a break a relationship. Now arguments aren't such a bad thing to have because not only to they help highlight issues, but they can also bring you together. In order to work through any difficulties you have to look at what is best for the relationship, so you need to be able to compromise and make sacrifices. The ideal solution is one that you are both happy with.
For a relationship to survive you need to be able to be happy and have fun, now that (unfortunately) can't happen every day, but you can build up a store of happy, shared experiences which can keep you strong when times are not so good. Spending quality time together brings you closer together and it helps you to appreciate your partner much more. Spending time together and doing things that you both enjoy is important, but sometimes you just cannot find the time to spare. Synchronize your schedules so that you can have a point where you are both free. You are never to old to date, you are never to old to have fun, and you are never to old not to want to see and do new things. If you keep doing things together then it keeps your relationship fresh and exciting.
Trust, loyalty and dependability all go together. All relationships are built on that most fragile of material, trust, which is freely given. You cannot build a relationship without trust, but if that trust gets abused then it can be very difficult if not impossible to regain it. You need to be able to depend on your partner and to know that no matter what is going on in your life, that they will always be there for you. If you can depend on your partner you feel a lot more secure in the relationship. And then there is loyalty. If you are looking for a healthy relationship that lasts then there can only be the two of you, and the both of you have to be totally committed to each other and to building the best relationship that you can.
I hope that this article will have given you an idea on what things are needed for a relationship to survive. It takes total commitment, there will be things that you have to give up and sacrifices to be made. You have to work for the good of the relationship and not just yourself, and be able to do so without expecting anything in return. When all is said and done, you get a lot more back than what you put in. Make each other happy, give your love to each other, and commit to creating the best possible relationship that you can, and who knows what you can achieve.
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