Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Know If You're In A Lasting Relationship

Sometimes dating can feel like the ultimate gamble. When you start falling in love with someone, you can be blinded by love and you don't always make the most rational decisions. Chances are you've had many great relationships, but you may not sure that the person you're currently dating is the right one for you. Here are some simple ways to know if you're in a lasting relationship.

If you and your significant other want the same things, then you are on the right track to having a lasting relationship. When you and your partner talk about your futures, do your plans line up? If your future plans are drastically different, then you are probably not on the road to having a lasting relationship. It is definitely better to find out sooner rather than later what your future plans are. It can be heartbreaking to be with someone for years only to find out that neither of you are willing to change your life plans.

Samuel Johnson said that "The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression." When you are truly in love, one of the most important aspects of the relationship is simply being together. Can you talk to your partner about anything or nothing at all? When you've moved past those awkward conversations, and silence is no longer uncomfortable, your relationship has the makings of a lasting relationship.

Do you and your partner have more secrets than the CIA? If so, you are not ready to have a lasting relationship. When people have successful relationships, they understand that having a lot of secrets will only cause problems. If you can be open and honest with one another, your relationship will be able to withstand just about anything.

Because conflict will arise in every relationship, it is extremely important that you are and your significant other are capable of handling and resolving conflicts. Instead of resorting to childish tactics, such as temper tantrums and silent treatment, you have to determine that you will not let issues go unresolved. The longer you allow things to fester, the harder it will be to come to an understanding and reach a resolution. The better you communicate, the easier it will be to solve problems. If you constantly work through issues that arise, problems will not detract from your relationship.

In a lasting relationship, it is important that you both support one another in every area of your lives. Whether it is a hobby, career or new haircut, if you can easily support one another and build trust, then your relationship is on the right track. Avoid tearing one another down because if you make a habit of always criticizing your mate, they will most likely seen encouragement elsewhere, and the last thing you want to do is push your ex away.

When you are determining if you and your partner are in a lasting relationship, don't over analyze things. Love really has no magic formula, so when in doubt, remember that your instincts will rarely lead you astray.


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