Was sitting at my computer the other day and I heard this loud commotion out the front. First I thought there was a group of people out there, like maybe some very rowdy kids. I was surprised when I did get up and look out. There was just a young couple, probably in their early 20's. My assumption was that they were just loud. She was jumping in front of him and clinging on, initially it sounded like laughter. When he started yanking his arm away from her and kept yelling at her to get away from him, I then knew it was tears.
She wouldn't back off and when he did again pull his arm away from her she fell on the sidewalk. She quickly jumped up and started running after him. It was an ugly public display of being emotionally needy. How much low self-esteem does one need to go begging for the whole world to see?
He was visibly angry with her. It doesn't matter who was to blame, running down the street crying and acting like an abandoned two-year old is sad and ridiculous.
He had probably heard it all before and was sick of it. I am not saying he was right or wrong maybe he was totally at fault for why she was so upset. Because of where they came from, I can only assume she lived down the street. He may or may have not lived with her, which is irrelevant. She should have let him go, cool off awhile and if he really cared about her he would return. If he lived there he would return for his clothes at some point anyways.
Pursuing someone who is already angry with you can result in to a very ugly display that could lead to domestic violence. As an adult you need to learn to back away at times and allow each other to cool down. Backing away can lead to a better perspective of what has just happened.
It is not always about what caused the blow up to begin with. It could be some underlying cause that had absolutely nothing to do with such trivial stuff as forgetting to stop at the grocery store on the way home or eating the last cookie or forgetting to put the dirty clothes in the laundry.
Learning to have compassion and understand each other's body language can keep your relationship on a stable path. Not reading the signs can leave your relationship in jeopardy and survival of it could be questionable. We all give off signals in any relationship we have, we can read our friends, parents and bosses, so why not your lover's. Maybe it is something you really need to perfect in order to have a good loving and long-lasting relationship. No one is perfect and we all have bad days, just give each other space when it is clear they need it. The unhappy mood will eventually pass and your relationship will be stronger for it.
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