Life is a compilation of relationships, some transient others temporary and others to varying degrees of permanency but they all have a common denominator. Our attitude to them is what separates their relevance and the level of appreciation we endow without regard for receipt. You see receipt is the enemy of trust because if we truly appreciate people then it is automatic for us to give without counting costs or expecting receipts.
In the spiritual essence of our lives we mature through the connectedness of our commitment to love others as God has requested. To renege on this is to invite distractions we could probably do without but through misplaced attention, they present their glory in all its ugliness. Thus, our maturity is tested as well as your confidence, because distractions present tests with no middle ground.
Jesus urged the apostles to pray so that they would not be put to the test and then what did they do they fell asleep. In the ensuing confrontations, the apostles abandoned Jesus and Peter denied knowing him three times. This tells us the values of praying as both a protective shield and inspiration to conquer adversity, irrespective of its guise.
David, throughout the Psalms continually talks to God as in general conversation about the trials of his life seeking God's sustenance and support in order to triumph. David also instructs us that sometimes we have to be tested in order to strengthen our resolve in preparation for the journey ahead.
If life is too easy, we may become inert which allows faults to manifest and possibly increase to levels that detract from our self-esteem and pry away at our relationships testing our endurance. David talks about God's instructions coming to him during the night, which tells us God is working on our behalf all the time. If you read this psalm titled the Lord is my Inheritance and on line 7, he tells us distinctly that God counsels us even at night. May this knowledge grant you repose through your night as you regain your strength and composure for another day!
Prayer is our link to God, when we apply it with loving appreciation for life's bounties, and express true sincere gratitude for whatever comes our way. As we thank God for the trials we experience we share our awareness of better things to come and the ascending existence we shall enter.
I have found, personally, that as I investigate the messages of God throughout the Bible my understanding of our existence and purpose heightens and I feel a deeper sense of belonging. While reading or even studying the Book of Tobit for example, I simulate his life through visualizations and walk with him through the ordeals exile has presented to him. Tobit has amazing strength and faith, which is oddly matched by his intrepid daughter-in-law but their paths do not cross until later in the story.
Archangel Raphael is instructed to guide Tobit and merge his life with Sara through his son Tobias who weds Sara and happiness is restored to two families. It is an amazing example of the power of faith and prayer as merging instruments guiding us through life's dilemmas and subsequent triumphs.
When we configure prayer as essentially a meditative mode through which we shall connect spiritually with God then we are transposed towards another worldly form where we receive the sustenance our souls seek. Our souls link directly with our lives and as difficulties require answers then our souls seek divine connection in order to assist us in resolving them. It is visibly evident then as we progress with clarity through this process and our prayer life reinforces our understanding of relationships. 'The Lord delights in those who fear him and expect him to take care of them.' Psalm 147:11. God bless!
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