Saturday, May 7, 2011

Parents' Nurturing Gift: A Lifetime Treasure

" The beauty and the uniqueness of life lies in the unity of diversity"

- Michael Gorbachev

Teachers nowadays are being bombarded with the diversities around them including among others are religions, curriculum, cultures, languages, behaviors, and the diversified nurturing styles of the parents to their children at home before and during the school time of their children.

Teacher is blessed with its detective instincts as to what type of nurturing scheme the parents used in their children at home. Children would surely bring all these inside the classroom and show how their parents nurture them. The way the act, talk, move, play and react to a situation determine how these children reared at home.

Parents are the important persons during the child formative years. Many studies have confirmed that their presence during this year gives a total positive impact to the upbringing of the child. Children with no parents ( either separated, annulled, divorce, deceased or even those with parents but have no time for them due to myriads of business transactions) are prone to temptations by their peers to do undesirable things and options. They are easily influenced by negative forces along their way because there's no parents whom they can turn to for golden voice of advice. In the other hand, children with parents most of the time are happy and contented children. They are inspired and motivated to do their best to garner more success. Parents therefore are the pillars of children aspiration and the strength of their future endeavor.

Parents' presence and time do not only constitute the totality of children' upbringing. There is another vital ingredient for the wholesome nurturing spice for a wholesome personality. Whatever the kind of treatment, nurturing and development stratagem parents have used at home are the jewels each child will eternally bring throughout their lifetime. Parents should be careful how indispensable their responsibility in the nurturing of their children because it is a lifetime treasure that will make them a person of reputation.

The beauty and the uniqueness of diversity lies in the nurturing hands of the parents.


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