Friday, May 13, 2011

Get Your Ex Back Who Left Because You Didn't Want to Commit to Them!

Partners who are in a relationship with commitment issues can face huge problems. If you want to get your ex back who left because you had problems with commitment, then you need to know how the thousands of other people overcome their issues with commitment. Its not impossible to get your ex back.

Both men and women experience commitment issues and doubt when they hear those special words "I want to take our relationship to the next level." This most commonly means a marriage proposal is around the corner and when a partner with commitment issues knows this, they completely refuse to face the thought of it.

In all honesty, this is most common with men. Women would be happy to accept a marriage proposal in a millisecond, whereas some men tend to hesitate at the thought of it. When he does this, his partner suddenly begins looking at themselves in the mirror wondering what they lack that would make him not want to marry them.

Both men and women are fragile and they both can have commitment issues, its just men who aren't expected to admit their problems or talk about them. Some people would rather go to another country than pour out their emotions and feelings to their partner, even if they do love them.

The most common reason why people have commitment issues in their relationships is that they had many disappointments growing. Disappointments like not having a good role model growing up, or having parents who got divorce and argued frequently.

This makes a person afraid of investing themselves in a deep relationship like marriage because they fear the thought of it ending up in divorce, resentment, anger, and heartache. Betrayal is another reason for commitment issues.

Maybe you or your partner who has commitment issues is afraid of being betrayed if they get into such a serious relationship. Betrayal like infidelity is something to be afraid of. You need to realize that your partner will sooner or later realize that they don't have to sacrifice their own happiness to wait for you to get over your issues. You can get your ex back who left you because of this.

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Signs That He Loves You

Let's face it ladies, in these days, we just can't take anymore crap from men. We have no time to play around and be fooled around with. We value our time and with that we need to know that the person we are with is really worth our time. All women need to know that they are being treated sincerely and faithfully, and I personally believe that women need to be treated as such.

This is because when a woman loves she is not only giving love but her whole being as well. So, it's just fair that we, women should know if our partner is serious or not. Before I go on with the article, let me remind you, ladies, men are not like us.

They talk less and they have difficulty expressing their emotions. Learn to respect the individuality of your mate before presuming anything. Now that I have that settled, here are some signs he loves you. He asks questions (read: he is interested about you). A man who doesn't care will not care at all.

If a man develops a certain curiosity in your life, it's a score that he loves you. On the other hand if he shares his interest with you, it another score that he loves you also. This is your partner's way of connecting with you. So if your lover enthusiastically shares about amazing lay-ups and rebounds don't shut him up.

Another signs he loves you is when he finds your "uncanny" behavior endearing and not disdaining. I have this friend Marissa, who has an odd habit of flossing her teeth while watching television. If some people eat in front of the television, my friend would floss her time away while watching tv.

It used to bother me what will her future partner would react to her peculiar hygiene habit. But I am glad to hear that Marissa has found a man that places her floss near the couch, finds her adorably unique and most importantly appreciates her clean teeth. You know he loves you when he is proud to let you meet the people that are close to him.

For a man, this is their way of showing that they want you in their life. You are part of his circle. You know he loves you when reveals his emotional side. In other words, he tells you he loves you; say his sorry when he has wronged you and he romances you- may it be in and out of the house, it doesn't matter.

If a man shows his emotional side, you are on the right track. This could mean that a man has enough security to open up and be vulnerable. This does not apply to all men, of course. Some men have no issues being emotional and some are just too "tough" to divulge his soft side.

If you really want to find out if your partner is pulling your foot or not, the only solution here is, you need to get to know him better. People show their love and affection in different manners, all you have to do is to open your mind, without preconceptions and without expectations.

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How to Get a Man Prepared for a Serious Relationship - Positive Steps to Make Your Man Commit

After having spent a lot of time together you feel that you are ready to take your relationship to the next level. But if your man isn't looking ready then you need to prepare him for a serious relationship. Here is how you can do that without disturbing your current relationship dynamics.

Look at how close you are emotionally

When you want to make a man feel ready for a serious relationship you have to look at your emotional quotient. Being emotionally close will give you a huge advantage as your man will feel comfortable being himself with you.

Show him that you are the one he can trust

To make a man see that you both should take your relationship to the next level you have to show him your dependable and trustworthy side. Don't depend on him for help always or ask him to bail you out constantly. Make him see that you can be his support system and that he can trust you to be there for him to catch him whenever he falls.

Make his life pleasant

To prepare a man for a serious relationship you have to show him that you make his life pleasant for him. This means giving him space when he needs it, not smothering him, or giving him unnecessary grief because of your own insecurities.

Love him unconditionally

Show a man that he should be in a serious relationship with you by loving him unconditionally. If your man feels that you love him for the person that he is and not for what you expect him to be he will know that he should take the relationship with you seriously.

Be compatible intellectually

To prepare a man for a serious relationship you need to make him see that you are his intellectual equal. Intellectual compatibility is the resting ground of a solid relationship and is very important for men.

Listen to him and hear what he says

You need to show your man that you are interested in what all he has to say. Be a perceptive listener and get the advantage of knowing all about him before he even says the word. This will make him see that you are the one for him and that he should make the relationship serious with you.

Ease him into the serious conversation

Finally you need to ease your man into this conversation. Don't stump him all of a sudden with your need to be in a serious relationship. Keep things conversational and easy and your man will be ready to get into a serious relationship with you.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why You Should Not Move In Together

I never thought that I would be saying this, but I was reading an article on Dr. Phil's blog which really got me thinking. Normally I would be saying that if a couple loved each other, were happy and comfortable with each other, then why not move in together before marriage. When I read the article it started me thinking about divorce statistics, and the fact that if you cohabit before marriage you have a greater chance of splitting up, divorcing and having a lower quality of life together. I started to wonder why? Then it hit me, and I realised why you should not move in together before you are married.

Let us consider our happy couple. They could be any age, they might come from previous marriages, all that matters is that they are in love. They've (hopefully) taken the time to get to know each other. They like each other, they are best friends, and they feel comfortable together. They have some common ground, they talk together, and they spend quality time together. Don't they sound just wonderful.

Once they have got to know each other more, they decide to make more of a commitment to each other and their relationship by moving in together. The first few months went by in a glorious haze, but eventually their honeymoon period drifted away and the saw each other in the cold light of day. They were happy with what they saw and continued to enjoy their life together.

As time went on the initial excitement of living together started to wear of, they were still happy living together but their relationship didn't have the same kind of sparkle about it. Are you starting to get the idea of why you should not move in together?

Our happy couple had been living together for a couple of years when the decided to get married. For them it was the natural progression of their relationship. They were happy, comfortable together, they loved each, and they knew that they had found the one. Finally the big day arrived, the weather was glorious, the guests were happy and so was the happy couple. They went away on honeymoon, had a great time, they arrived back at home all ready to start married life together, only to find that nothing had changed. Well, that's not strictly true, the law says they were married, and if they wanted to part company it would be difficult and expensive.

Picture instead a couple, who are just as happy and compatible as our first couple, but they didn't move in together. they had a great wedding day, a wonderful honeymoon, and when they arrived home everything was new and exciting. They had fun getting to know each other and their relationship. In time there wasn't the sparkle but they were comfortable with each other and their relationship. This is exactly why you should not move in together.

Marriage changes the whole dynamic of your relationship, in fact you could look at it as the start of your real relationship.

When you cohabit you do everything that you would as if you were married, without being married. You go through all the fun and excitement of learning to live with each other, you become comfortable and content in your relationship, and then what? How will getting married change all that, what will marriage bring to your relationship? Should you get married you already know everything there is to know about each other, there is nothing new about living together, there is no sparkle or excitement, in fact you don't even merit a honeymoon period. In marrying you start a whole new relationship, but you start it without the excitement that would normally accompany it.

Relationships need that initial spark to help make getting to know each other and growing the relationship, fun and exciting, special, and experience that binds you together. You should not move in together before getting married because you run the real risk of not being able to grow your relationship and having a pale imitation of what you had before.

I fear that I have not done justice to, "Why You Should Not Move In Together", but I hope that I have brought across a sense of what I have been trying to achieve. I appreciate that there will be many couples who live together before marriage, and when they get married they enjoy a wonderful marriage together. Why you should not move in together, highlights a real risk that what could and should be something special, ends up as something mundane.

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Is Forcing a Guy to Marry You a Good Idea? Commitment Advice for Women

Is forcing a guy to marry you a good idea or not? If you're a woman who has been waiting a long time for a commitment you may just think it's a great idea. It's tiresome, isn't it? Putting in so much emotional energy and time into a relationship and then realizing that your man isn't the commitment type? It's frustrating to imagine an endless future of dating and having to introduce him as your boyfriend when you two have long passed your teenage years. It doesn't have to be that way. Granted, forcing a man to marry you isn't the right approach to take but there certainly is a way to get him to want to marry you and it's all about subtle persuasion.

The biggest problem with forcing a guy to marry you is that he'll put up major resistance. Immediately he'll recognize what you're trying to accomplish and his need to protect himself will overtake everything else. If he feels you're actively pushing for a commitment, and he's not completely comfortable with the timing, he'll fight you tooth and nail on it. You'll become increasingly frustrated as he digs in his heels deeper and deeper. You'll end up even farther away from a commitment than you ever were before.

One major reason why some men refuse to commit is they just don't see the logic in it. This is usually the case with a couple who live together and share every aspect of their lives. It's the same for a couple that spends a lot of time at each other's homes. They essentially are sharing their lives as any married couple would except there's no formal commitment, there hasn't been any exchanging of rings and for all intent and purposes they're still a dating couple. To the man in this relationship he's got everything he wants without the added hassle of having to make a serious commitment. To the woman in the relationship she doesn't have the one thing she truly wants which is to call the man she adores her husband.

Absolutely nothing will change if things continue as they are now regardless of how much you pressure him into a commitment. He'll hold strong because his life is ideal the way it is. That's why you need to rock the boat but in a very sweet way. You have to temper what you feel and try not to devote yourself completely to him. Pull back a bit and just focus more of your time and energy on yourself as opposed to him. Let him sense that you're becoming more emotionally independent of him. If he feels that, he'll start to wonder if there's a life for you beyond the relationship you two share and it will make him start to consider the idea of getting more serious so he doesn't risk losing you.

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Is This Relationship Healthy? Is It Worth Saving? What Are You Prepared To Do?

It is well known that over 85 percent of families are dysfunctional. This means that most families learn or adapt behavior patterns that work against the members being in integrity with what is important to them. Being in integrity with what is important means having healthy boundaries to protect your needs and feelings.

Since the percentage of dysfunctional families is so high, I would have to say that it is normal to have relationships that are challenging. So we are normal but possibly not as joyful and fulfilled as we need to be. We always learn something when things aren't going the way we plan. That is pretty much the only way we learn. If things are going right, we don't know what wrong looks or feels like. And when things are wrong, we really feel it. Our feelings are our sign post for when something is not right.

So if you are in a relationship that doesn't feel good to you, you know that something is wrong and something needs to change. Often, you are not able to be yourself within the relationship. Our self-esteem suffers when we are in a bad relationship.

Here are five points to ponder when you are at the threshold of abandoning a relationship:

1. What is it that does not work for you in this relationship? Try to answer this question with an objective point of view. Remember what is important to you in your life and write down the answer in a calm and collected way. It is ok for you to ask for what you want and you do deserve to orchestrate your own life.

2. What would it look like if your relationship with this person worked for you? What is it that you want for this relationship?

3. This point is the most important of all and a concept that is sometimes hard to grasp. Go on the assumption that nothing will change outside of yourself. We can't change other people and we can't fix them. We can only be the way we want them to be. Waiting for someone to change to make your life work is letting go of all responsibility for yourself. My favorite quote on this subject is: If it is to be, it's up to me Knowing that gives you back your power.

4. Now based on the last point, what will you have to do, to stay in this relationship and are you prepared to do it. This means that something has to change. You either have to let go of the fantasy that the person will change and do whatever it will take to live with the circumstances, or you have to let the relationship go and move on. This will not be an easy decision. It will be life-changing whichever choice you make.

Change is hard. People are reluctant to change because they are afraid of the unknown. But sometimes, our pain is so strong that the unknown is the best option. Sometimes we just have to let our relationships go to make way for new, healthy ones.

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