Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why Do Men Run Away From Commitment? Tips for Understanding Your Guy

Why do men run away from commitment? That's the one question many women in your position wish they knew the answer to. It's hard to understand, isn't it? To be in love with a great guy who seems crazy about you yet he shuts down the moment you start talking about the future. It's hard not to take that personally. After all, in your mind, if the man truly loved you as much as he says he does, marriage would be something he'd really want, right? Not necessarily. There are many reasons why some men won't commit and once you understand what they are, you can then help guide your man past his reservations towards a happily married future with you.

One of the main reasons some men run away from commitment is they just don't feel confident in the love that they've found. This seems very cold and harsh when you're the woman in question but it's a sad reality. Many men reach a point in their relationship when they recognize that a proposal should be forthcoming but they just can't seem to bring themselves to do it. They hesitate because they wonder if there's another woman out there who is destined to be their soul mate. If your guy talks often about fate or he's questioned whether you two really are meant to be forever, he's probably feeling this type of fear.

Another very common reason why some men shy away from commitment is they are unsure of what their life will be like when they do take the step towards something more serious. Most men have married friends who constantly complain about their wives. They go on and on about how much better single life is and if your guy already has some worry about marriage, this will only make it worse. The married friends your man has can deeply influence whether or not he'll propose to you so keep that in mind.

Does your man seem constantly worried about whether he'll have a job in the future? Or does he seem preoccupied with current lending rates even though he doesn't have a mortgage? This may also be a clue into why your man hasn't popped the question yet. If he feels that he can't afford marriage, he won't have any interest in it. Even if you've got a stable income stream he may still have strong reservations about taking your relationship to the next level. Many men view themselves as the primary provider and it's a role they take very seriously.

Every man has his own unique reasons for not wanting to commit. Once you identify what is causing your guy to run away from commitment, you can then get to work helping him move past that and into a more commitment positive state of mind.


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