Sunday, April 24, 2011

Suffering From a Lack of Fun

Life is such a serious business, why would you want to have fun? When you first met your spouse did you have a miserable time or did you have fun? If you live a life devoid of excitement or stimulation, if all you do, is work and watch the T.V then how can you move forward, how can you develop as an individual? The answer is simple, you can't your life just stagnates. If you are suffering from a lack of fun, how can your relationship develop and move forward? It can't, as you stagnate, it stagnates.

What did you do when you first met, you went on dates, you talked for hours, you had fun, but that was back when it was all new and exciting. Then you got used to each other, the excitement started to fade, and you started to dig yourselves into a nice comfortable rut. There may be times when you thing should we go out, should we do something, but you can always find an excuse not to, because it's just too much hassle.

Suffering from a lack of fun as you are, are you not bored? You see the one problem when there is no fun in a relationship is that it is a dull, boring relationship. If you cannot find excitement and stimulation what happens, you might just look outside the relationship for some fun and end up having an affair.

It's a sad fact of life, that to have a happy, healthy, loving relationship, you need to have fun together. If you don't then you will drift apart, but let's face it, if you are enjoying yourselves and having fun then you are going to end up growing closer. So what should you do? Anything that you would enjoy doing together. You could try to recreate some of your earlier key dates. Assuming that you still have them you could pursue shared interests, or you could find new ones. Go on dates, not just to the same place time and time again, but look for new places to go to, new sites, new sounds, fresh stimulation. You could do the simple things in life, like going for a walk or a coffee. It doesn't have to be expensive, it doesn't have to be elaborate, but you do need to enjoy yourselves. And why shouldn't you have some fun, there is no law that says you are too old to have fun, it's just a state of mind, and one that you need to change!

The excuse that you don't have any time to have some fun is a good one, we lead busy lives and it can be difficult to find free time. However not having time doesn't matter, because the need for you to have fun is a non-negotiable requirement of a healthy relationship. No matter how busy you are you can find a few minutes a day where it can be just the two of you, sacrifice some T.V time, this is much more important, and more fun! Synchronize your schedules so that you can plan dates out, once you have a date sorted then that time is your time and no-one else's.

Having kids can make things tricky, but I'm sure that they would love to visit their grandparents, or aunts and uncles. Think about this. You have your kids for 20 odd years and then they will leave you, and it will just be the two of you. Why should you wait until the kids leave before you enjoy yourselves?

The fact is, that if you spend quality time together you will not only enjoy yourself, but you will have a deeper, richer and very much closer relationship. Do you want that kind of life, or are you happy suffering from a lack of fun?

Are you suffering from a lack of fun? Would you like to change that? The trick to re-invigorating your relationship is not just to talk more, and have some wonderful shared experiences, but you also need to give your relationship some purpose and direction. If you have shared long-term goals that you are always working towards then you have a relationship that is always working and moving to the future, one with a sense of continuity and permanence. If you are always moving forward then it will be difficult to get bored, which is when all the fun leaves your relationship. If you are just drifting along aimlessly with no goals or expectations, then you have no motivation or purpose in life, which is a pretty dull way to live. And before I forget, if you both commit to creating the best relationship that you can, you'll be to busy making the most out of life to get bored.


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