In the words of God as written in the Book of Isaiah, what is attractive to God is to maintain what is right and do what is just. We wonder why our world is out of kilter and yet we decline to fix the injustices within society. Firstly we must fix the injustices raiding our inner strength and we attend to this task through reflection and meditation.
True romance has vision as its foundation and as excitable as we may become, with the prospects of love, no progress shall be attained until we address our failings. Everyone has failings but in order to benefit from love we must change who we were prior to the encounter with romance. If not, then why bother in the first place to ruin the lives of others because we were too lazy, rash and reluctant to nurture the gift we were blessed to behold.
Romance is wonderful and so magical there is nothing within nature that does not desire its beautiful fragrances. Guys and gals the world over fluff their plumage in order to attract a mate, some temporarily some permanently. Love knows no boundaries but aspects love desires more than anything must encompass truth, justice, loyalty and honest to goodness fun.
In order to progress we must learn from history because in the words of - George Santayana; 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' Take a look at the turmoil around the world especially in the Middle East and be assured those leaders have not learned from history and neither have they vision to look to the future. Turmoil resounds worldwide because leaders lacked love for their fellow compatriots and they also lacked conviction to learn from history, thus history repeats.
Every man woman and child deserves to embrace true love because it is our God given birthright but yet, few ever attain its fruit. We may ask why this is so but seldom take the time to listen to the answer because we again decline to be serious enough about change to embrace solutions that shall influence everything we attract. To be successful in any endeavour requires more than just giggly and silly infatuation because longevity demands sincerity, good humour and trust matched with the ability to place your love before you always.
To be in love is the quintessential happiness we crave. It is the light of hope the cauldron of comfortable treasures and when we find it, we cling to it because our life depends on the sustenance of true love. To embrace romance and true love for evermore requires introspection and growth through continuing education. That does not mean permanent residency within the halls of universities but one must maintain spiritual and personal growth in order to maintain pace with universal changes.
To seek romance and the love of God at one and the same time we must offer ourselves to God and trust him explicitly. Trust in God is expressed through fairness in all dealings; we have to be just while devoid of bitterness or wicked expectations. You see it is impossible to attract beauty if ugliness is retained within thus we cannot desire what is alien to our hearts and souls.
It is said that one must earn respect and that is true for everything because if we do not respect the essence of value loves brings to our table we shall lose it quite suddenly. God is waiting to anoint you, and everyone including me if, when we decide consciously to combat apathy, injustices and lack of equality. Until that day arrives we shall be forever knocking on the door of opportunity and receive only a fragment of its entity.
Love is akin to a jigsaw puzzle that may only be completed successfully if all the pieces are together and arranged according to the desired picture. If we lose some or many maybe even a few then the story will never have an ending beyond breakup and being cast aside to be replaced by another source offering the complete picture. When assembling a jigsaw puzzle one studies each piece making sure it is an appropriate fit, well our lives need study too assuring perfect fit.
With God there is no half measure thus embrace his unconditional love and offer it freely without constraints because it was given to you freely and unconditionally. Peace and the ability to enjoy true pleasure from romance is highly influenced by ones ability to go outside of oneself and this is achieved through meditative purpose. God bless as you learn to become lovingly attractive, and may romance permanently reside within your spirit.
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