Monday, April 25, 2011

How To Make A Man Commit To You - The Easy Way

How to make a man commit to you has always been the concern of single women everywhere. You love this man, and he loves you. Maybe he has not actually said those three little words but you know he loves you simply by the way he cares for you. Love is written in his eyes, and while he may not be speaking the words out loud, his actions scream them.

Learning how to make men commit is simple. You probably have been doing most of the right things all along. He may just need a little more assurance or just a little more understanding that the two of you really are happy and perfect for each other. Here are a few tips that can help you have a guy get committed.

Always be yourself around your man. Being confident in yourself is sexy and appealing. Do not be afraid to show him what you really like or dislike. Act natural around him and he is sure to feel the calm confidence you have within yourself, in turn making him feel at ease without really understanding why.

You should not make him feel suffocated. Men do not want to feel like they are going to be locked away in a cage once they commit to a woman. They fear the moment they hand over their hearts all freedom will be lost, along with boys night out, sports bars and ultimately their happiness. Let them know this is not the case. You will not need to say the words out loud; you simply need to let him have his space without complaining that he is leaving you behind. Every now and then men need to be able to hide away in their caves without feeling like they are letting the woman they love down. Show him you are comfortable with your alone time as well.

Make a man commit to you by keeping your independence. Keep up with your own hobbies and interests. If you loved to paint before you met him but have been spending all your energy on your man, take a step back and embrace what you love to do. This goes back to being you around him. Take the time to explore your own interests outside of him. He will find you more intriguing when he realizes your world does not revolve around his.

Meet the members of his family that he is close to. Make a genuine effort to like them as well. Show concern for his loved ones and encourage spending time with them together. Once his family falls in love with you he will no longer be able to deny how perfect you are for him.

Learn to speak your mind with your man. Do not let him walk all over you. If you do not like the way he insists on watching television for five hours a day then let him know it. Let him know you expect him to actively participate in the relationship. Challenge him and let him challenge you. Show him how the two of you could learn so much from each other by pushing each other to be better.

Once you learn that you are confident and are not afraid to be without a man it will be no trouble at all to make a man commit to you. He will not be able to help loving such a self-assured woman like you.


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