Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Be the Woman Who Drive Men Wild With Commitment to You

Do you want to know how to make your man give you a commitment? Is he running hot and cold with you? One minute it feels like he's totally in love with you and the next he seems withdrawn?

Is there a man you are really attracted to right now who seems to be good boyfriend material yet it feels as though he's not really feeling it for you?

You're been wondering how to make him addicted to you and give you a deeper commitment. You want to know how to make him fall deeper in love and give you the world. You've spent hours trying to analyze and understand men because you want to know exactly what to do to make him fall in love.

I don't want to see you make the same dangerous mistakes a lot of women make so I'm here to help you learn what to avoid so that you don't lose his interest for good.

Here are some things women do that cause a man to lose interest in a deeper commitment. See if you're making any of these mistakes:

1. You've fallen too much in love with his potential to the point where you constantly make yourself available to him no matter what. It's hard for you to turn him down because you place his need to see you above your need to put yourself first.

2. You don't know how to spark deeper attraction in him through playful teasing. You approach him more like a business partner instead of a hot flirt. There are moments when you feel unsure, they may be silence and you get really uncomfortable with this so you feel the need to fill in the blanks. You don't banter with him and there is very little laughter in your interactions with each other.

3. You don't leave him wanting more. If he calls you and wants to go on and on, you see this as a sure sign of his interest and believe that you should keep him on the phone since he seems really interested and into you.

You don't know how to shift the conversation away from topics that will leave you looking like a woman who don't have her life together. You treat him like your girlfriend and in doing so he doesn't really continue to feel that deep level spark for you.

In order to become a woman who drive a man's mind wild to want to commit to you, you have to avoid making these and many other of the top mistakes women make that make men want to leave.


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