Sunday, April 24, 2011

Staying Faithful Through Tough Times

Have you ever been in a relationship that you constantly felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you saw or thought about that other person? Most of us have, it is an amazing time in which the other person can really say or do no wrong in our eyes. We overlook their many faults and notice only the noble and wonderful things that they do for us. We are experiencing emotion and living through a feeling. I am not writing this article to diminish that in any way. I am just bringing up the fact that in the long term that is not typically how a relationship is lived out.

In the real world things can be tough because after a while we stop noticing a person's noble qualities and we start noticing that they always leave the toilet seat up, or that they constantly nag us...about the toilet seat being up. You see after the honeymoon phase wears off and we have to actually accept the good and bad that come with a person it can be pretty tough. If you are committed to stay with this person for the long term then here are some ways that you can do that and keep from killing each other in the meantime.

Each and every one of us do things that are annoying to someone else. For me one of the things that drives me absolutely bonkers is to be around someone who is smacking on or popping their chewing gum. If you want to see me go totally crazy just pop your gum in my presence, after a few moments I will have to leave the room or strangle the breathe from your body (only kidding, sorta). The point is we all have things that drive us crazy. I call these the "nails on the chalkboard" named after the common shared feeling that nails scratching down a chalkboard is a very annoying sound.

Since we all agree that we do things that are annoying what I want you to do is find out what things that you do that drive your spouse crazy. Then I want you to simply stop doing those things. Do not stop in exchange for them stopping something, just simply stop for the benefit of your relationship. If you do this you will find that in reciprocation your partner will stop doing things as well. Give it time though and don't point out the things to your partner, because if you do that will be seen as nagging. At that point you will have just traded one bad habit for another.

This simple tip will get you through a lot of crap in a long term relationship. You will be surprised how just being easier to live with will bring the two of you closer and more in tune with one another. Before you knock the idea give it a try, it will have amazing results that will simply change your life and help you make it through the tough times.


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